Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Monday, March 17, 2008

Some thing to get us even more ready for spring

The feel and look of things has taken on the air of spring.
The sky is blue, the wind light, new life budding everywhere
That I look.

Blossoms on the tree:
All with poise and grace,
But each color and shape unique in its own way.

The clouds are graceful and pure white-
Not in anyway ominous and gray,
Not in anyway sad or angry,
But happy and joyful!

The sound of life is there somewhere,
But not in full swing, yet.
It is like that of a grandfather clock that needs to be wound every night
So that in the morning the time is right and no one is put off to a late start.
The clock of the season is being wound, correctly but, slowly and it will come...


Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!! That so describes what it looks like at me house! I think that may be my new favorite!!! ^-^

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

glad that you like it

Imagination said...

this place is a ghost town...

do u have an idea for a title?
should I submit this poem as well?