Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Winter's Poetry

'The Winter's Frost'

The Winter's Frost
Was paid at quiet a cost
For I, amidst the woods white tipped leaves of green, was lost.

'The Traveler'

Among the winter's frost there stood,
A traveler at the crossroads.

Had he traveled far? Yes!
Had he become lost? Yes!

The frost had driven all beast and human,
All creature fair and unso.

No one stood there at the crossroads,
But the one man,
The traveler far away from home-
Tangled among the creeks and snow;
Standing there deciphering the code
Within the winter's chill.

He came upon a clue of civilization,
And so he took the path that
Diverged left.
After some time the smell of Christmas
came upon him,
And he knew right where he was!

He was in his home village,
He was not a stranger,
He was Johnny Birkins back home from war
To see his true love,
The one that he had married
Before the war broke the calm of peace;

He was not lost,
Even though it had seemed so-
He was back home in time
For Christmas' cheer and love.

Johnny Birkins had
Made it home.

Hope that you like my poems, I hope to write a bunch more but not just for winter but for every season and then I will make a book out of them. :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Flag at the bottom of my blog and my story as best as I know it...

Ok if you have seen the picture of the flag at the bottom of my blog.
Then you might wonder why do I have a picture of a a foreign country's flag on my blog,
well heres the reason.
This does have to do with me by the way.
I haven't really grown up here in America, I wasn't even born here.
It starts before I was born though. Because and some of you know this, my parents are missionaries, so I am an mk.
That means Missionary Kid for those that aren't familiar with the term or who just don't know what it means any way.
The first place that my parents were stationed with the mission NTM was in Africa, and yes this was before I was born, all was well I guess from stories I have heard been told by my parents until one day.
This will be a useful bit of info: My dad was a pilot, he flew. So one day my dad was flying, at this point in time there was trouble with rebels in Africa and I think that they were stationed in Liberia, and he started running out of fuel so of course eventually he had to land. You would probably like to know this bit of info: he was flying other people I can not remember who they were ( of course I would not know personally but from the stories that have been told). Well he landed, but then rebels came and ordered them to get out of the plane, my dad had been captured by rebels. At this time my brother, Daniel, and my sister, Sarah, where just little kids. My mom at some point in this time, after dad had been captured- sorry if I seem confused or something but remember my knowledge of this series of events is based on what I can remember from stories told- was told, well actually more like ordered to leave and she could only pack I think like 2 suit cases so all of the other stuff was left behind.
*Speed up in time* My dad was ok the rebels let him go he wasn't even ever harmed..
*speed up even farther in time*
My mom is pregnant with me and my parents are in Papua New Guinea in the Sepiks, when it is time they travel to Australia, and I am born on October 8th, 1992 at Cairns Base Hospital.
My first passport pic. was taken when I was 24 hours old at two weeks my passport came to us in the mail, wherever we were staying in Cairns, Australia. Then we leave Australia and go back to PNG we are in Wewak, PNG. Then after that we go to Hoskins, PNG, and yet even after that we go to Goroka , PNG. Before Goroka maybe even sometime in between Wewak and Hoskins we came to the states and I had my first bday. After being in America for awhile maybe a year or two we went to Goroka and I did Preschool- at home,; then in Kindergarten I went to the school on our center which at that point was now as Nimonoi, but it is now know as Lapilo, but I did not go to school for all of Kindergarten not even for a whole semester because I Kept getting sick. The I was home schooled for 1st grade. then we came back to America , and were here for my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade years which is probably the longest I have ever been in America although I think that this time around it will end up being longer than that. i went to our church's little Christian School for second grade and then I was home schooled for 3rd and 4th. After that we went back to PNG and my Brother did his junior and senior years of high school there at our center's school which was Kindergarten- 12th grade. Which for me would have been 5th and 6th grade that was fun and I made some new friends in sixth grade. Then we came back here and have been here since June 2005, my parents anniversary was in June and it was the longest day to because we were on the the plane we crossed through several time zones.
That is my story with pretty much no help except for the June 2005 part. But anyway I do not know when or if we will go back to PNG? Although I hope that we do go back. I miss PNG, so much. It seems more so a home than here in America does, although America is seeming to become a little bit more like home.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Why? My mind Goes Blank.....


Right now my mind goes blank,
my mind is at loss for words that should be so plenty.
Perhaps the reason is for my shortness of breath,
perhaps for the reason I no not why,
My mind revolves around the words that wrapped my attention so sure and true.
Can you picture my troubled mind as I can not write a poem,
Some may say so others may say no.
Mind my is wrapped around the story that so engaged my eyes in the movement of noise.
I sat their like a stone, quietly and serene my face so entranced that I had no other
I do not know how to explain what I feel,
Short breath, hard to breath, breathing feels heavy.
I know in reality why, but here on this page of words I do not know why it creates
problem in my writing on something else.
It hurts, and my mind floating as if there, but not truly.
I feel as if I am wavering in this seat, but I am truly??

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some thoughts of Old

this was from: 11-07-06
first thought:
I am holding on to my memories of the past, and the present, hoping that I make new ones in the future.

2nd thought:
this thought has been omitted

3rd thought , the best of all:

The world is a mysterious place; the people that live on this planet, must some how wonder how it came to be. Some do say they know, but even their explanation does not even compare with the real story, it is not the truth. I say that you should turn to God
and think hmm.... It's even more a mystery when you know how it really came to be just a few words and this planet was created in seven days every bit of nature that we see was made. And there also the first two human beings were created. So don't tell me that a bunch of dust created this planet and that in millions of billions of years monkeys were here and that they turned into humans. If that was so the wouldn't I be changing into some other animal right now. Look into the sky can you explain the origin of the stars and planets, No..., but I can with one word, God.

4th and last thought:

To be inspired in some writing form is like letting yourself free; letting the inner part of you out: your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, everything that makes you you.

That is all I have never shown really any one that only like one person, or may be a couple more, but ya I will have another post later but I am going to take my dog on a walk with my mom and sis. so bye,

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Book Of Worlds

There is a book in which you can look
That has all the worlds that could, can, or ever exist.
You may say,well where is this book?
The thing is that you have that book each and every one of you have
That book in which you can look
That has all the worlds that could, can, or ever exist.
Where well can I find this book then?
That is what you will most likely ask next.
Well since you have never ending questions I will just tell you this,
Look in the books you are reading now there is a world before your
Very eyes just waiting for you to discover it,
There is even one in your own backyard.
Where are these worlds is what your never ending questioning brain will
Well they are definitely not in your brain,
Since that never seems to stop asking questions.
They are in your Imagination,
Imagination is the key to your worlds of many and unseen.
What do these worlds look like,
Well if you must know I can not give you the answers,
You must find the answers to those questions yourself,
Travel to your World of Worlds,
Travel to your Imagination,
That is the only place that you can create solace, that you can create peace,
That you can find those worlds.
This created peace is not a real comforting solace it is what you have
Imagined, what you dreamed up to be in your imagined world.
The true peace and solace you must know comes from God,
The Protector, Lover, And Creator of us and our real world.
You know this yourself even without me telling you,
But since this is a way to remind,
I have done it in reason, I have done it in thought.
There is no other explanation.
I must let you travel to your world now so I will leave you with this one
Last thought,
Why wait, go now, write it, draw it, do whatever you can to make it come
You must do this I plead you.
Or else you will loose your world and never be able to travel back to it
Please, Imagination is the key to the worlds,
Travel to them so that they remain there and grow.
Do not let them die and diminish.
If you do not tend to them and garden them then they will not remain,
But in fact they will
Die and diminish.
Garden your Imagination,
Help it grow!

Friday, September 14, 2007


What do you think of my Beginnings of a Tale , story that will more or less end up being a book. I have part 2 and 3 up right now, but if you never got a chance to read part one, let me know and I will repost it so that you can read it and parts 2 and 3.
I would like you to read all 3 parts then come back and tell me honestly what you think about it as a comment to this post.
Is that to much to ask.?
Ok, good I was just double checking....
Anyway I was thinking that maybe if and when I finish it I might self-publish it. And then all you who like it could have a copy, the thing is if I do do it that way I will just finish writing it secretly so you all can't read all of it then you wouldn't want a book of it cause you would have read it all, I was just wondering if you could do that for me. And thank you for you fantabuliss excitement to answer my 100 marked comment for a previous post and in fact you went several over. Thanks soo much even though I know that Kylie pushed you. I just thought that I would let her know that I would like others to comment cause it is kinda depressing when you only get comments from three ppl. yourself, Kylie (or 1 other friend), and 1 family member. Not of course that you do not liek them or want them to comment , but it does get you feeling down when nobody else comes and comments. any way just let me know AND I MEAN IT THIS TIME YOU HERE, COMMENT ALL OF YOU !!!! DO IT NOW DON'T DELAY DON'T PUT IT OFF FOR ANOTHER DAY... THAT IS PART OF A SONG YOU KNOW, what am I kidding of course you probably all know that song it is one that parents love to sing repetedly when you procrastinate about something that they asked you do do.
Well I gotta go now so bye all,

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I have drewn one like that before

ok so here is my short narrative about the clouds that looked like ones that I had drewn before:

{setting driving in the car down lower sac, coming from Lodi going to home}

We are driving, well actually we are not driving my mom is if I were driving it would have been a disaster, cause I do not really know how, plus we were in a manual car (or also know as stick). I am sitting next to her in the front passenger's seat {also know as shot gun}.

As my mom and I are driving along down lower sac on our way home the sun is setting and there are beautiful clouds in the sky.
Look mom , I say, I have drewn clouds like that before. In my sun set pics.
And then she made never ending fun of me and started doing a southern persons voice and saying I have drewn ones like that before.
It was pretty funny.
Bye gotta go it is time for church.......

Depressing Days

Like most everybody I look forward to the weekend. But the weekends for me aren't exactly exciting.
Alright here I will pose a question for all you who will COMMENT ON MY BLOG: How many of you feel depressed after reading a really good book, or even listening to it for that matter? The reason for this depression is because you wish that that story could be real, but knowing full well that it will never be true because it is just not( unless of course your good book is history related, because in that case it was real , but it is not happening today). Anyway I was just wondering how many of you feel that way after reading a good book- that is not history related, in other terms this means fantasy-?.!

So Here I pose another question: How many of you who WILL COMMENT ON MY BLOG know which days are my depressing days?
And for your info I do not mean depressing as in I am a depressed person who sits and does nothing, I mean a day or two that just seem kinda depressing cause there isn't much to do and you just finished a really good book. Type of depressing days.

Any way my goal for comments is: 100 or more.
But if you just say something like that was a really dumb post I will take that as a comment, cause you are people and are in-titled to your own opinion.

One more thing. What do you think of this blog (and yes I know that it is not as awesome as Kylie's...... i was just wondering. No problems here)?

I think my mind is in a trance and just wants to keep thinking and writing so that it can not be bored or boring.
