Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some thoughts of Old

this was from: 11-07-06
first thought:
I am holding on to my memories of the past, and the present, hoping that I make new ones in the future.

2nd thought:
this thought has been omitted

3rd thought , the best of all:

The world is a mysterious place; the people that live on this planet, must some how wonder how it came to be. Some do say they know, but even their explanation does not even compare with the real story, it is not the truth. I say that you should turn to God
and think hmm.... It's even more a mystery when you know how it really came to be just a few words and this planet was created in seven days every bit of nature that we see was made. And there also the first two human beings were created. So don't tell me that a bunch of dust created this planet and that in millions of billions of years monkeys were here and that they turned into humans. If that was so the wouldn't I be changing into some other animal right now. Look into the sky can you explain the origin of the stars and planets, No..., but I can with one word, God.

4th and last thought:

To be inspired in some writing form is like letting yourself free; letting the inner part of you out: your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, everything that makes you you.

That is all I have never shown really any one that only like one person, or may be a couple more, but ya I will have another post later but I am going to take my dog on a walk with my mom and sis. so bye,


Imagination said...

This stuff is old, but I thought that I would share it for something new,
because although it is old in my mind it is new in yours...

Imagination said...

so true.
People and evolution these days sheesh!!!
And they think that we're the dumb ones....