Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools

So for my April Fools Day Trick I decided that I would
super glue a quarter to the side walk. And what did I succeed in doing?
I succeeded in super gluing my fingers together.
Well not really, but I have super glue jammed up my finger nails. Not to mention
stuck on my fingers creating a sand paper like feel.
Yes, I still want to try an April Fools trick or prank and actually succeed.
But, for now I suppose I should just concentrate on scraping the glue out of my nails.
Either that or pulling it off of my fingers.
Did the quarter actually stick to the sidewalk? No!!
But I am sure that I could get it to stick to my fingers.
So that is my not so smart tale.
Oh, and my advice for the day:" Don't play with superglue!"
Because it will end up stuck on you!


Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

lol That’s funny! No seriously I'm sorry you got super glue on your fingers. That’s a bummer. At least you trick (sorta) worked. My dad told me a story of when he was is school one of his friends super glued his had to his desk. In the end he had to rip is hand of the desk and it took almost all his skin on his hand. Can you say ouch? At least you didn't suffer worse! ^-^

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

true, thanks
that story... definite ouch.
but right now my chapter 18 health review from ages ago that froze up on my Dad's mac and wouldn't
print is causing me more problems....
and it looks like I might have to redo some of it... This review is from at least a couple weeks ago.
I am going to start something new, a daily verse and quote(maybe).

Leafy Teadragon said...

Oh dear! I won't play with super glue any more :). I had forgotten it was April Fools Day and therefore forgot to do my childish prank of unscrewing the lids of every salt and pepper shaker I saw. Well, who knows; maybe I'll have a late April Fools Day... Sorry about the glue sticking to you; you could have worn some gloves, maybe (*shrugs*). That's just my suggestion though. Happy April Fool's Day to you, my friend!

Dark Ravyn said...

Haha, bekah, you make me laugh!!! And don't worry!!!! A friend like me will stcick closer than superglue!!! And probably hurt more too =p. Hey, that rhymed!!!
Well, you are still the most awesome beckster ever. And next year be more careful!! Let me glue your hands together!!!

Imagination said...

and that is supposed to be more careful....
Letting you glue my hands together!!!
Sounds EXPLOSIVE!!!!

ok here are the poems that I am submitting so far:

The Rain's Melody

A Melody

The Wind, The Trees, And The Rain

and lastly but not least

Midnight Mystery Lady

Imagination said...

not to mention that they are all in the same envelope so it is kinda fat...

I would be so excited if one of them got put in the magazine!!!

But who knows, supposedly they get alot of submissions....

Imagination said...

ok I have a question:

should I send them all at once or in the at the same time, in the same envelope?

Leafy Teadragon said...

Why wouldn't you? Then they could be overwhelmed by the greatness of your writing and definitely put one (if not more) in their magazine. :)

Imagination said...

thanks BFF...
I'm glad that you think so.
And btw I sent them all in at the same time,
and did so I think like a week ago.
Well gotta evening church.

Dark Ravyn said...

they better.........or else.....

Imagination said...

or else...
what a way to threaten a magazine...
You would too....

Imagination said...

we're all joking its a group of jokers