Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Written April 17, 2008

In those moments of silence
And peace,
Those moments when no one
Utters a word,
The moments when no
Lips are bringing forth messages
The simple things are heard,
And time just seems to stand still.

The tinkling melody of a wind chime
Can be heard and appreciated,
Nature can swarm with
All those little things
That you normally wouldn't take the time
To notice,
So although that clock still ticks,
And time wafts past you-
It feels as if it has all froze
In a eternal capsule
Of serenity.

But when the lips
Move and out breaks the
Sound of human speech,
That is when the spell of
Time is nonexistence
Is broken.


Imagination said...

what'd ya think?

Dark Ravyn said...

wow.....u just get better and better...this is good enough 2 b submitted and win!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Ravyn said...

good job!!!!!!!!

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...


Aubenre' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

Glad that you liked it..

Here is how this poem started:

I was sitting at our little breakfast nook table sipping some tea, all was quiet except that you could hear the dryer and sounds outside... the sliding glass door was open, and the sliding screen door was closed. My view looked outside, and there was a wind chime in my view also, it was peaceful... No one spoke a word.
All of the sudden the peaceful reverence was broken and my mom spoke, even though it was just a couple of words it broke the still silence.

Dark Rayvn, you know which table I am talking about... The little one in the kitchen, right near the fridge, in between the slider and the counter...

Dark Ravyn said...

yup, of course i know =]

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

Hey! I was thinking of making a magazine online. My mom says there is a place where you can make a free pdf file like a magazine. So I was wondering if you would like to contribute something like a poem or short story? I would give you full credit and do all the work. If you would like to just tell me! ^-^ If you don't want to it's ok!

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

Hey Auberne'
Yeah that sounds fun, I would be glad to contribute.
And honored...
Just tell me how and when.

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...
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Imagination said...
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