Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yes, Its a Friendship Poem, from the bygone days of 7th Grade year

Ok here is a new poem.... well actually it is old I wrote this in 7th Grade on 3-15-06.

A Real Friend

What is a real friend?
Do you really know?
Most people in our world today think that it is a hi here or
There or maybe lets do something sometime and then it never
Well I think that a real friend is...
Someone you can cry with
Laugh with
Talk with
Someone that will hear you out
Even when your times get tough.
Someone that you can spend tons and tons of time with
Or maybe even make memories together that will last a lifetime
So even when you are old and gray just remember what I say
"Never forget what we did or even what we said because our memories
Are something that should last forever and never be forgotten."
Even though you may think that this poem goes on forever what
I am really trying to say is that even when troubled times come your
Way just remember that I am always there for you!


Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL poem!!!! I absolutely love it!

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Leafy Teadragon said...

Well said. I really like that!

Imagination said...
