Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Friday, September 21, 2007

Why? My mind Goes Blank.....


Right now my mind goes blank,
my mind is at loss for words that should be so plenty.
Perhaps the reason is for my shortness of breath,
perhaps for the reason I no not why,
My mind revolves around the words that wrapped my attention so sure and true.
Can you picture my troubled mind as I can not write a poem,
Some may say so others may say no.
Mind my is wrapped around the story that so engaged my eyes in the movement of noise.
I sat their like a stone, quietly and serene my face so entranced that I had no other
I do not know how to explain what I feel,
Short breath, hard to breath, breathing feels heavy.
I know in reality why, but here on this page of words I do not know why it creates
problem in my writing on something else.
It hurts, and my mind floating as if there, but not truly.
I feel as if I am wavering in this seat, but I am truly??


Imagination said...

I do not even understand why I published this post.
I just finished reading a book, and I was reading it in the car.
So I feel kinda sick, but my asthma has been acting up so both my head feeling funny, and my chest feeling strange creates a weird feeling as if I am floating where I sit as if I am wavering. That is all I know how to explain it. But I just feel kinda weird so bye for now.....

Imagination said...

I just don't know how to explain......
so that is why this post is strange I guess..
Just finished reading a good book.
It was a mystery and it was about Enola Holmes, which Ironically is the same age as me.... but that is beside the point I love mysteries, and other kinds of books too of course.

Imagination said...

they are totally awesome i liked them so much ( well i haven't read all of them but thats beside the point)
that I bought them all and they are contained in two books all 56 short stories and 4 novels. and they are hard cover which I think is way better than paper back because they will last a lot longer and be nicer for a lot longer.
When I am old I wanna have a huge library in my house.