Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Poetry

Here is several new things of poetry.
I had to write them for school.
Tell me what you think.
___________________they are all using metaphors__________


The Moon

The moon is a shining face,
It looks on us from above.

Watching us with poise and grace
It does its nightly guard;

Giving light to all-
It makes up stories
About us all down here,
Fairy-tales, if you will, and tells them to the stars.

It is a shining face,
That laughs at everything
We do-
And thinks us so strange
For living on a planet
That is so very green and blue.

this next one is a Metaphors about people type of poem.


I am a bird,
My song whistles through the air,
Like a leaf I rustle in the wind.
Young and not yet old,
I am a clay pot,
Created blue
Like the sky,
Free and Caring-
I am hope fluttering through.

this one is from todays assignment 5-21-08
It is from metaphors about thoughts and emotions.


In my dreams I am a wave,
Rolling, and tossed about the sea.
Flying through the air I take the shape of
A bird and beat my wings-
My bright blue and silver feathers shine
Above the sea.

But as I dive down,
And my fair form hits the waves-
Into them I return.

I am tossed to and fro,
As a lonely wave,
For I have no friends to comfort me
On this long and tiresome journey.

And as I am tossed I hit a bank of seaweed,
Out of it I emerge an otter,
With bright blue and silver fur.
I spend my days napping, and diving for food
Among the reeds,
And with my new found friends.

As I swim among the reeds one day,
I am caught up in an angry wave,
A large and engulfing wave,
One such one that I used to be.
And it drives me back out to sea.

And once again I am tossed,
Along the lonely verge I cross-
Into darkness and never ending void.

I am still that dream,
Changed only in form-
For once again I am given new life.

The wave drives me into a cave,
And I am dashed against the sides.
My fur is torn from my hide.

Out of the cave I emerge-
A mermaid,
Fair and blue,
With hair the color of the tropical sea.
And now I swim, constant in form-
Never forgetting my past in which I was a


Imagination said...

it is yet again a ghost town.
Have a great end of the school year everyone.
And yes that includes those who don't really end till June.

Tell me what you think?
and even if you say that you hate them all I am ok with that, just tell the truth.
And if you hate 'em say why...

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...


Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

thanks Auberne'
I will write one one day,
when I have enough.

Dark Ravyn said...

Bekah, you need to print and or type all of your poems out and put them into a folder so that you can made a book of them. Your poems are so beyond us mere mortals.....Bravo! Incredible! Amazing! Wonderful words that drip from your mind and splash onto the page like liquid gold! You are one majorly talented girl......Good Job =]

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

Well spoken Dark Ravyn!!!! A lowly mortal like me can never compare with some one like you when the words you say feel like a early spring morning coated with dew. LOL!

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

I want to make a poetry book someday,
my dad said that I could when I had enough.
I need to edit alot of my poetry though.
I shall start to print them and put them into the folder soon...
Don't you think though that if I did make a book of poetry that I have written that you would get sick of reading all the stuff that you have already read, again and again??
Just a random question!!

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

Maybe after a wile, but I think your poetry is so good I would enjoy reading it over and over! ^-^ There are lots of publishing places online but one I know of is Lulu. That might be a good way to do your book when the time comes.

Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---