Poetry, other writings ,pictures, and various other things that come upon me...

50,000 Shoes

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Can You Guess This Plant?

Ok here is a plant that we have in our small side yard garden, I have been watching it grow full of excitement. There are 5 other plants of this same type in the garden...But this just happens to be the biggest....
I am going to put some pictures as clues, maybe some riddle things too..Although I am not very good at those.

If you haven't already guessed.... Which who knows, some of you will probably be familiar with it and others not... But since I am not so great with riddles, this should be pretty easy.

I start from something edible,
I grow eyes,
You cut me up and then plant me in the soil,
I have a bush like shape,
I yield produce that is neither fruit nor that which cometh from the vine,
Flowers sprout on my beautiful green, I then shrivel up and go brown,
After which you harvest what I have yielded you.
What am I?


Imagination said...

If you said Potato, then

*DING, DING, DING* We have a winner.
Today your prize is a 5 ton bucket of knowledge, for which you must work 8 years for....
And the Second place prize is a 2 year contract of servitude.... Congrats to our winners!!!!

Imagination said...

...."Well no sir I am sorry you actually have to work 20 years for that 5 ton bucket of knowledge, didn't you read the fine print?"

"Its the first 8 mentioned in big letters on the side panel, it reads: Get 20 years of knowledge in only 8!!
But then over here in the fine print it says for 20 years you must slave away.... "

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Your sooooo funny!!!!! My mom thought it was a pineapple mint. I thought it was regular mint. Sorry to the winner to! ;) LOL

Aubenre' Ancalimon @-`---

Imagination said...

yeah the pictures aren't very helpful I suppose...
Unless you already know what it is...
Nice guess though..

Imagination said...

It does kinda look like mint....
Well it is about time that I announce the 3rd place prize..
Which it drum roll please "rat-tat-tat-tat"
a free desk plant
"no purchase necessary, life 5 years." "Warranty not included"

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...


Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---